Welcome to Buster's Blog

Irregular commentary on whatever's on my mind -- politics, sports, current events, and life in general. After twenty years of writing business and community newsletters, fifteen years of fantasy baseball newsletters, and two years of email "columns", this is, I suppose, the inevitable result: the awful conceit that someone might actually care to read what I have to say. Posts may be added often, rarely, or never again. As always, my mood and motivation are unpredictable.

Buster Gammons

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Obama Will Never Leave? WTF??

Boy, the things you can "learn" these days!

For instance, did you know that no matter the result in the 2016 election, Barack Obama will refuse to relinquish the presidency to his duly elected successor.  He's been busy militarizing federal agencies and will use them to fend off any challenges to his dictatorial power-grab.  Obama will become the American version of Uganda's Idi Amin:  President For Life.

This nugget of "knowledge" was bestowed upon us the other night by a friend.  And where did he get this guaranteed-to-be-true, just-you-wait-and-see, earth-shattering info?  Don't know, but maybe from one of these websites:

HardDawn.com ("Preparing for the National Apocalypse") -- "Barack Hussein Obama could barricade himself in the tunnels beneath the White House.  Tear gas will become necessary."

TeaParty.org -- "What evidence do we have that Obama's leaving?"  (A question posed by Rush Limbaugh, a.k.a. Rash Dimbulb, which got wide play in far-right circles.)

TruthAndAction.org -- "Obama has created his own private army of paramilitary federal SWAT teams."

NowTheEndBegins.com -- "[Obama has given] ammunition, firearms and 2700 tanks to non-military groups like the Social Security Administration and the U.S. Postal Service."  (It goes on to cite a short list of agencies with a very small number of armed enforcement officers, which is not news at all.  It's standard operating procedure, and has been for some time.  I am intrigued, however, by the idea of mailmen driving tanks.  In some neighborhoods, it might be helpful.)

Or maybe our friend has been frequenting unimpeachable sources like InfiltratedNation.com, MinuteMenNews.com, FreeRepublic.com, OffGridSurvival.com, AllenBWest.com, TheLibertyBeacon.com, or Alex Jones' InfoWars.com.  There's about a thousand other junk sites just like them.

Not that long ago, this type of bat-shit dumb-fuckery was laughed at and marginalized.  Mainstream people easily recognized society's paranoid nutjobs and wacked-out conspiracy theorists, and had no qualms about dismissing them as such.

But today, the shrieking of conservative squawk radio is amplified by still-crazier shrieking and squawking on the internet, and even the goofiest crackpot can find a website that feels like home.  (As we say in the car business, there's an ass for every seat.)  The lunatic fringe are thus validated, and masquerade as credible and informed.  They inform themselves only inside their own bubble, but what the hell?

Our friend is a mature, intelligent, educated, and otherwise amusing person.  I don't know where he gets his "facts," but he really ought to do better than traffic in this sort of alarmist, embarrassing, tabloid-style crap.

Or is it crap?  A good friend is a federal judge and when we told him about this, he confirmed that it's  all true.  He explained that he and his fellow jurists are no longer hearing cases; they're practicing all day long with their government-issued AK's and Uzis in a secret shooting range in the basement of the Federal Building.  "When they try to make Obama leave the White House in 2017, they're gonna have to go through us first!  We're your worst nightmare --judges with automatic weapons!  Ha-ha-ha!"

Then he uncrossed his fingers and laughed his ass off.    



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