The latest from the Drumpfster fire.

A federal judge says an anti-corruption lawsuit filed against the fake president by the State of Maryland and Washington D.C. may proceed. Plaintiffs allege that those seeking government business while staying at the Trump D.C. hotel are providing illegal personal benefits to Trump. And they are. Can you say "emoluments"?
A top Trump fundraiser, Elliott Broidy, received $2.5 million last year from United Arab Emirates adviser George Nader. Broidy doled out the cash to U.S. lawmakers to ensure that a sanctions bill would contain language labeling Qatar a "terrorist state." Qatar and the UAE are enemies. Nader is now a witness in the Mueller probe. Can you say "influence peddling"?
Last year, Trump's personal attorney floated the idea of pardons for Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn in conversations with their lawyers: Tell your clients to clam up, take the fall for Cheeto Benito, and we'll take care of you later. Can you say "obstruction of justice"?
"Russia? What Russia?" That's Devin Nunes of the House Intel Committee. Donnie Destructo's favorite toady and subject-changer now wants to investigate Democrats, Fusion GPS and the FISA court. And he says if he doesn't get cooperation, he'll hold the DOJ and FBI in contempt and he'll "impeach" them. (How do you impeach the FBI?) FU, Nunes! And FU, Paul Ryan for not removing this venal tool from his position on the committee.
Our "239-pound" Lard-Ass-In-Chief who is in "excellent health" has chosen his personal physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, to be the new head of the Veterans Administration. LMAO! Listen, Ronny ol' pal, experience is overrated. We know you can't ride a bicycle but we'll teach you how by entering you in the Tour de France!
The EPA has issued a memo instructing staff on approved climate change talking points. Magic words like "uncertain," "incomplete science," and "debatable." Here's another magic word: Bullshit! FU, Scott Pruitt!
The Secretary of Commerce has decided to insert a citizenship question -- "Are you a U.S. citizen?" -- on the 2020 census form. Not only is this not what the census is for, it's a blatant attempt to instill fear and reduce responses in the hope of continuing Republican-gerrymandered redistricting. FU, Wilbur Ross!
Unarmed black citizens continue to be gunned down (murdered) by out-of-control, trigger-happy cops, and the cops continue to get away with it, avoiding indictments, convictions and punishment. Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the White House has no opinion on this because it's all "a local matter." Bullshit! And FU, Sarah!
Facebook took out full-page ads to say it's "very sorry" for knowingly and willingly allowing Russia/Trump to use the personal data of 50 million Americans to influence the election for Trump. Too little, too late. Zuck off, Facebook!
Chicken-shit conserva-tards have gone out of their way to insult, mock, defame and lie about the student survivors of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. The high schoolers have far more dignity, honesty and intelligence than their hateful "adult" critics. Sad! Hooray for the kids, and FU, Laura Ingraham, Iowa Rep. Steve King, Min. Rep. Mary Franson, Colion Noir of NRA-TV, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Tomi Lahren, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Wayne Lapierre, Dana Loesch, et al.
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Spanky with that woman he doesn't know. |
Roseanne? Really? Deplorable! FU, Roseanne!
On a positive note, it's Opening Day. Play ball! And kudos to the Chicago Cubs, who took the field for today's pre-game warm-ups wearing #MSDStrong teeshirts. Well done, Cubbies!
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