At our favorite watering hole, the lovely Mrs.Gammons and I have become marginally acquainted with a couple I'll call Mike and Christy. They're nice enough folks, but political conservatives. Announcing his departure, Mike will often say, "I'm gonna go home and watch Fox News." Last night he was showing off his new car to a few of us. His satellite radio was blaring the 24-hour Fox News station.
It just so happened that last night Mrs. Gammons was carrying a monogrammed handbag which she had custom-made about a year ago. Mike noticed it and asked her what "FDT"stood for.
"Fuck Donald Trump!" she answered brightly. Mike was not prepared for this. He turned his back in apoplectic anger, then began babbling about how her purse was disrespectful and in poor taste, how Trump was doing great things, how he didn't give a shit about Trump's serial lying and serial infidelity, and his disbelief that anyone could ever vote for that awful Hillary. "She was a better choice than Trump," was Mrs. Gammons only reply. Mike ended his diatribe by saying, "Well, he's a lot better than that f***ing n****r Obama!" Christy asked me if I had voted for Hillary too. I smiled and nodded yes, and her face clouded over with disgust.
We didn't bring up the topic in the first place and didn't care to discuss it further. It was enough to watch the veins pop out on their astonished temples.
Mike and Christy are examples of the bubble dweller phenomenon. They've lived under the Fox propaganda dome for so long, they've drunk so much Murdoch Kool-Aid that they just can't conceive of anything outside their alt-right unreality. In their conceited delusion, they truly believe that everybody is just like they are. And when they stumble upon non-believers such as ourselves, it's shocking for them -- like encountering a strange new life form. Boo!
Things for bubble dwellers to ponder: We acknowledge your rabid Trump-love, and we understand that Hillary lost narrowly in the electoral college, but she still got 3 million more votes than your guy. Fifty-four percent of voters chose someone other than Trump. And that was before Trump's popularity and approval ratings fell into the abyss. Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans. And now Robert Mueller is about to crawl up Trump's ass and make a nest. Your bubble is about to burst.

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