Not only does Roseanne Barr play a Trump-loving, bigoted, alt-right conspiracy theorist on TV, she is one in real life as well! She's an appalling Twitter troll!
Here's a screen grab from her charming tweet mocking the student survivors of the Florida high school shooting.

Living in obscurity for the past couple decades, the no-longer-funny, has-been comedian has descended into paranoia and neo-fascism. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, it's just that Roseanne's are particularly putrid.
This week, the reboot of her old TV show debuted to strong ratings in Tulsa, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. In other markets it was a non-event -- must-miss TV. But many Trumpanzees, including the Orange Shit-Gibbon himself, are so desperate for a "win" they're celebrating the ratings for a recycled sit-com. Whoopee!
I, for one, refuse to watch this deplorable woman's TV show. Tulsa, she's all yours!
More examples from her Twitter gallery of hate, fear and stupidity:
Another awful Hitler-based photo tweet. The response is from Kurt Eichenwald, a respected Newsweek journalist.
The photo is real. @therealroseanne burned cookies that looked like people in an oven while dressed as Adolph Hitler. I am actually crying. I think of the anguish of my family. I think of this little boy, Antosh, my sons' great uncle, murdered at 11. One of Roseanne's cookies.
In 2016, young Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was shot and killed while walking home in D.C. The shooter has never been caught. Police believe it was a botched robbery. Even so, with zero evidence, right-wing media cooked up the theory that Rich was murdered because he secretly provided DNC emails to WikiLeaks. Not a speck of truth to it, but Roseanne is a believer.

In this bit of idiocy, she accepts as fact the wildly absurd and instantly debunked conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was operating a child sex ring from the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor.

More of her off-base bile on "Pizzagate." Roseanne is the one who needs to wake up.

In a triple-header of WTF craziness, she trashes the FBI, women's rights, and the Russia probe in a single tweet.

Here's a pair of tweets with her typical ugliness -- name-calling and telling people to eat shit.

Apparently, she finds value and self-worth in being a vile, obnoxious harpy.
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