And by the endorsements they receive. Just for fun, I checked Wikipedia for lists of all the endorsements garnered by the current presidential wanna-be's. The sheer number of endorsements for the candidates is staggering (Hillary Clinton is the clear leader in total number), and will only grow as time moves on.
But I wasn't so interested in total numbers or endorsements from major newspapers or important politicians. No, I was more attracted to celebrities, artists, losers, has-beens and other public figures who have stood up to support their personal favorites.
What do these sort of endorsements say about the candidates? Beats me, but it's sure amusing!

Ted Cruz: Rick Perry, Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty douchebag), Bob Vander Plaats (CEO of Family leader, a conservative Christian group), U.S. Rep's Mark Meadows-NC and Steve King-IA (members of the Tea-Bag Freedom Caucus that caused the government shutdown)
Marco Rubio: George Pataki (ex-NY Gov. and failed presidential candidate), Sen. James Inhofe, R-OK (snowball holder, climate change denier), Rick Harrison (Pawn Stars), Jenna Jameson (porn star)
Ben Carson: Kirk Cameron (ex-actor, douchebag conservative Christian), Kid Rock, Mickey Rourke
Jeb Bush: Sen. Lindsey Graham (failed presidential candidate), Toby Keith, Mommy & Daddy and all their old friends
Chris Christie: Maine Gov. Paul LePage (racist moron concerned about out-of-state drug dealers knocking up Maine's white girls), Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman (What? No Carly?), Augie Busch III (Anheuser Busch)
Rand Paul: Alex Jones (far-right conspiracy theory crackpot radio host), Belle Knox (porn star), Vince Vaughn
John Kasich: Tim Allen, Charles Barkley (Sir Charles, that's just turrrible!)
Mike Huckabee: Kenneth Copeland (televangelist and shyster), Chuck Norris
Carly Fiorina: Donnie Wahlberg (the other Wahlberg brother)
Rick Santorum: literally no one

Martin O'Malley: The Dropkick Murphys (O'Malleys or Murphys, the Irish stick together)
All I can get from this is that the Republicans have the porn stars and the Democrats have the rappers. And Chuck Norris wants us to vote for Huckabee. Just to be on the safe side, maybe we should do what Chuck says.
How biased. You could have accurately identified those that Democrats were endorsed by as pedophiles, faggots, drug addicts and wife beaters. Only morons get their political preferences from rappers and actors.