Another Tuesday, another rally at the Statehouse. (For a guy who has never ever worked downtown, I'm getting pretty good at this!)
Today, King Kasich recited chapter and verse from the Libertarian-Reaganista-Koch-Wall Street Big Book of Dogma and called it his state of the State address. It could just as easily have been delivered by any run-of-the-mill Fox-wad commentator -- the same old trickle-down hogwash that conservatives have trotted out for the past thirty years.
While John-Boy was airing out his tonsils, a couple thousand SB 5 protesters, including your humble correspondent and Honest Abe Lincoln, gathered outside the Statehouse to listen to those from a better class of human being. We heard from a number of good speakers, ranging from cops and firemen to preachers and teachers.
A young man from Ohio University took the podium and said he'd recently made a presentation on SB 5 in one of his courses. He asked his classmates how many were education majors, and 5 or 6 indicated they were. He then asked how many of them would willingly pursue their teaching careers in Ohio if SB 5 passed. All the Ed majors said they'd look elsewhere.
Food for thought, my friendlies, food for thought.
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