Northwestern University offers a full-credit course in "Human Sexuality". The class and its professor are very popular. (Well,duh!)
The professor got himself in some hot water by arranging a live sex demonstration after a recent class. It was, again, after class, and the prof described what would be happening and made it clear that observing the demo was strictly optional.
After all the warnings and disclaimers, some students left, others stayed, and then it was on with the show: a woman using a dildo attached to a Sawz-All (which seems to me like going to an awful lot of trouble, but what do I know?).
When news of this got out, the professor was chastised by some parents and by the spineless president of the university. ("A sex act in a sex class? I'm shocked!")
What I want to know is: How come I never had a class like that when I was in college?
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