So far, Libya has not played out like Egypt. Gaddafi has not followed Mubarak's lead and quietly got the hell out of Dodge. He's fought back against the rebels. The U.N. Security Council authorized sanctions against Libya and the U.S., joined by Britain and France, is enforcing a "no-fly zone", patrolling the skies above northern Africa and firing missiles at . . . stuff. Now, for the moment, it's pretty much a stalemate.
This sudden military action has many in Congress questioning our involvement. Polar opposites Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul both claim it's unconstitutional. Predictably, John McCain thinks no-fly doesn't go far enough. He says we ought to blow the whole fucking country to smithereens. (Winning!) Obama says, no worries, we were just helping to get the ball rolling and the U.S. will be outta there in a matter of days. Sure hope so.
Buster is with Jon Stewart on this one. On last night's Daily Show, Stewart said:
"What? We're at war? Again?! Don't we already have two wars? Wars aren't kids, where you don't have to pay attention to the youngest one 'cause the older two will take care of it."
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