They do it every year.
The good old GOP is once again displaying its patented combination of cockiness and cold-heartedness, just in time for the holidays. We're about a day away from a government shutdown, and a couple weeks away from an increase in everyone's Social Security tax and millions of Americans losing long-term unemployment benefits. These are immediate and pressings needs, but the R's want to play chicken while we dance on the brink.
Mitch, Eric and Sir John of Orange say they'd just love to discuss these things and might actually vote for them if only President Obama would agree to fast-track the crazy Keystone XL pipeline project. What the hell does that have to do with the problem at hand? Not a goddam thing. Just a shameless attempt to extract a pound of flesh before they do the right thing -- maybe.
Who knows what the R's will do? But their seasonal sentiment remains unchanged: Merry fuckin' Christmas from the GOP! Bah, humbug!

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