The "Former Speaker" (resigned, disgraced) and nominal Republican front-runner may have a short run at the front. Romney's deep pockets (lined with $10 K wagering money) are buying a barrage of attack ads in Iowa, but the expense may be unnecessary. True to form, Gingrich may very well hang himself with his own rope, and soon.
In the last debate, the Newtster was on his best behavior -- he did not indulge his innate desire to display, at length, his intellectual superiority. He was instead strangely brief, gentle, and well-mannered. Neutered Newt?
But yesterday, trying to suck up to the hard right, Gingrich went on TV and complained about the "steady encroachment of secularism through the courts to redefine America as a nonreligious country and the encroachment of the courts on the president's commander-in-chief powers, which is enormously dangerous."
Newton, Newton, Newton! I thought you were a historian. We are in fact a secular country, founded as such, despite the blue-nose Mayflower Puritans. We respect all religions and permit their free practice, but America has no official religion. There's nothing in the Constitution that says we are this, that, or the other. That's "secular", pretty much by definition.
More historical, Constitutional definitions: Three branches of government. Legislative, judicial, executive. Separate and equal power. Checks and balances. Newt -- Mr. History! -- I learned all that shit in junior-high social studies. Where were you? And now you say that, as president, you'd flip off the Supreme Court and do whatever you please. You're a dangerous little fuck, aren't you?
Gingrich's handlers say that such pronouncements are always Newt's biggest "applause lines." Which proves only that his fans and supporters are idiots who clap their hands for no good reason.
And it's further evidence that Obama will win again in 2012. He always wins the "Reasonable Man" competition -- put Barack and all the various Republican contenders and pretenders together in the same room. Question, listen, observe, and report back to me.
Who's the most reasonable person in the room?
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