A twisted distillation of the year that was, in twelve easy pieces. Happy New Year to all!_____________________________________________________________________________________
Let's start by making John Kasich's property support itself by drilling a bunch of wells in his backyard! (Oil Wells In State Parks? -- January 18th)
Out of nowhere, John-Boy asked, "Have you ever been stopped by a policeman who's an idiot?" (Kasich Gets Speeding Ticket: Cited For Running His Mouth Too Fast -- February 17th)
Buster does not condone violent intimidation, but I can't help wishing that the moment those pissed-off Teamsters started hollering, Niehaus and Bacon started squirting wet farts into their BVD's. (SB 5 Passes By A Dirty Hair; Niehaus & Bacon May Need A Change Of Shorts -- March 4th,)
A spokesman explained that "The Senator's statement was not intended to be factual." (The Best Excuse Ever! -- April 16th)
Nevertheless, our Bad King John, with a straight face and no apparent sense of irony, has declared this to be "Public Service Appreciation Week". (Kasich Issues Irony-Free Proclamation Re Public Workers! -- May 5th)
The real problem, of course, was that Tressel knew about all of it but pretended he didn't. ("O" No! Part III -- End Of An Era. Can We End The NCAA Too? -- June 15th)
If the question is why are Congressional Republicans acting like complete assholes over a mundane bit of governmental housekeeping, the answer is because Grover Norquist has 'em by the short hairs. ("I Pledge Allegiance To Grover Norquist" -- July 18th)
So am I saying that the big-money R's would stage-manage a faux crisis over a non-issue and enlist sluts like Standard & Poor's to do their down-grade bidding and intentionally trash the economy in a bald-faced attempt to unseat a black Democrat President and install a friendly, white, look-the-other-way Republican in the Oval Office? (Standard & Poor's Can Eat My Shorts! -- August 7th)
The R's are ready to defend their class, ready to do battle on behalf of those oppressed, long-suffering millionaires and billionaires. (Class Warfare? -- September 20th)
These are not unreasonable things to be pissed off about, and if nothing else, it frightens the right people: Romney, Cain, Perry and Bachmann all made disparaging remarks. (The "Occupy" Movement -- October 24th)
Governor Katshit's Issue 2 has been defeated, Senate Bill 5 is now repealed, and to help maintain the momentum, Buster offers some lyrical inspiration, set to the old My Fair Lady tune "Just You Wait, Henry Higgins": (Just You Wait, Johnny Kasich! -- November 8th)
For the first 50 minutes of the game, Tebow looks like shit, but then Popeye finds his spinach and for the last 10 minutes, he can do no wrong. (God's Quarterback? -- December 13th)
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