"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Old Ralph Waldo would have no worries with Mitt Romney. We all know that politicians are often pilloried for flip-flopping, and most of us understand it's often an unfair criticism. None of us, politicians included, can be unfailingly, 100% consistent in all matters, nor should we be. But Mitt's inconsistencies are not a function of natural growth, learning, or honest change of heart.
No, with Mitt it's all calculation and expediency. He will hold any opinion, based on what he believes will sound best and benefit him most at this precise moment. As a result of his constant triangulation, Mitt has changed his position on a multitude of issues, and frequently -- he contradicts himself month to month and week to week and sometimes even on the same day. It's pretty funny, if you can forget that he wants to be president.

Regarding the temporary cut in Social Security payroll tax, Mitt's been firmly on both sides of the fence. He was for it in August, against it in October, and now he's for it again.
While campaigning in Michigan, he was supportive of the federal loans to General Motors and Chrysler. Anywhere else, his soundbite was "Let Detroit go broke."
In 2007, he supported the "path to citizenship" immigration reform proposed by Ted Kennedy and John McCain. Now he says he'd deport all undocumented immigrants.
Not long ago he proposed privatizing health care for veterans. Some veterans groups complained, and today Mitt says he "made no proposal of that nature."
He has stated that he both "has" and "has never" hired an illegal alien.
In 2008, Romney said his Massachusetts health insurance plan reduced costs and increased coverage, and that a similar plan would "help the entire nation." In 2011, he said, "It would be wrong to adopt this as a nation," and "I'll repeal Obamacare."
1994 Mitt: "Roe vs. Wade has been law for 20 years. I support it and the right of women to make that choice." 2011 Mitt: "As a pro-life Republican, I'm in favor of overturning Roe vs. Wade."
Speaking in 2009 about the American Recovery Act, he said, "There's a need for economic stimulus. We've lost $11 trillion in net worth. Government can help in a very difficult time." This year, he said, "I have never supported the President's Recovery Act. No time, nowhere, no how!"
1994 Mitt: "I'm not trying to return to Reagan/Bush." 2007 Mitt: "The right way for America is to pursue the strategy Reagan pursued."
On August 8th of this year, Romney said, "I don't agree with flat taxes because they end up being huge breaks for the highest-income Americans." Later that same day -- same day! -- he said, "I love a flat tax!"
Romney on October 25, 2011: "I am not terribly familiar with the Ohio ballot initiatives. Those are up to the people of Ohio." The next day, October 26th, he said, "With regard to collective bargaining, I am 110 percent behind Gov. Kasich."
In June of this year, Mitt said, "I believe the world's getting warmer. And I believe that humans contribute to that." In October, he said, "My view is we don't know what is causing climate change."
I wonder what Emerson would have said about a foolish inconsistency!
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