. . . and His quarterback was jacked, smacked, sacked and defeated. Yes, Tim Tebow and the Blessed Broncos were beaten by the Patriots, and beaten pretty badly. Apparently, the Lord was otherwise occupied.
I begrudge no one his or her sincere beliefs. To each his own. Most of us choose to keep such beliefs, or lack thereof, to ourselves. Public displays are unseemly and draw unwanted attention. Unless one actually wants the attention.
Tebow does. NFL Films had him miked for the Bears game, and 10-15 minutes of his witty repartee ran on ESPN. Maybe you saw it too. Some of it was standard jock-speak: "Good hit, man!" "Oh, it's a good day for football!" Etc., etc. But some of it was Timmy in the role his parents groomed him for -- God's Gridiron Emissary. He devoted a lot of time singing to himself: "My God is an awesome God!" And after big plays/scoring plays, he yelled: "Yes!! Thank you, God! Thank you!"
Long ago, as a kid on the playing fields, there were many asshole opponents, but we especially despised two types -- the look-at-me hot dog (think Pete Rose), and the goody-two-shoes constantly crossing himself, pointing to the sky, and kneeling in mid-game private prayer. That's our boy Tebow.
The Broncos will probably still make the playoffs, but all Buster can say is, Timmy better win, win big, and win for a long goddam time, or else his heathen teammates will quickly tire of his Holy Hi-Jinks. Not to mention the other team.
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