Buster is quite happy that the 2010 mid-term elections are over, although not so happy with most of the results. The Republicans shouldn't kid themselves -- they received no mandate. They simply benefitted from low turnout, a weak economy and the stupid, fickle flip-flopping of the so-called independent voter. (Essentially, "independents" are lazy. They can't be bothered to inform themselves on issues, candidates, or parties, so they just bounce around like farts in a skillet.)
These voters punished Obama and the Democrats for actually doing things rather than doing nothing. And they punished Obama for economic woes not of his own making.
I heard a post-election analysis piece on the radio about a woman in Indiana. She talked about how scared she was in 2008 -- huge stock market declines; the subprime mortgage mess; failures and bailouts of banks, insurance companies, and auto manufacturers. Our economy looked like a train wreck. This woman, who identified herself as an independent, said her decision in November 2008 to vote for Obama and many Democrats was "a no-brainer". Then in 2009, she lost her job at a mortgage company, lost her health insurance, and emptied what was left of her 401K. Still unemployed, she naturally voted a straight Republican ticket in November 2010.
Alrighty then! I've said it before: Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
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