As you know, the Transportation Safety Administration has adopted new screening rules aimed at boosting air travel security. Ticket holders must agree to either a full-body scan (like an X-ray that makes your clothes invisible), or a full-body pat down (wherein they thoroughly feel you up and "touch your junk"). The TSA says if you refuse both, you will not be permitted to board the plane.
Some people are up in arms over this policy. They claim the body scans amount to nude photos of passengers, and the pat-downs are a form of molestation. There are rumblings about a passenger boycott.
Buster personally doesn't give a shit about appearing "naked" on an airport body scan (nuthin' to get excited about, believe me, and going downhill fast!), but can understand why some people are fearful of the "perv factor" and might not want security personnel to see them in their virtual birthday suit. So for those folks, the TSA needs to make the pat-downs a more attractive alternative.
The TSA just needs to hire a bunch of Hooters girls and Chippendale guys, and give each passenger a choice as to who administers the pat-down. Most men would queue up in the Hooters line, most women would opt for the Chippendales, and the gay/lesbian segment could flip a coin.
It'd be great. I can see it now: "NO! Body scans are UNCONSTITUTIONAL! I will NOT let you look at me naked! This is a violation of my RIGHTS!! I am NOT a terrorist and I will NOT put up with this government TYRANNY!!! But I'd really like to be frisked by that blonde girl over there."
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