Did I miss something? Didn't President Obama announce just a few months ago that American troops would start to leave Afghanistan in 2011? Now he's saying we're just gonna start to start leaving in 2011, and we'll actually remain there until 2014, so we can help the Afghans learn how to provide their own security.
Well, good fucking luck with that. Our little Afghan "war" is already our longest, and it won't matter if we stay there 10 years or 13 years or 23 years. Afghanistan is a black hole, a giant Dyson with no off switch endlessly sucking money and lives. The place is the very definition of lawless insecurity, and no amount of training the local boys will help. (Please recall "Vietnamization", a euphemism for the ages.)
Basically, Obama got duped again by the generals. He bought their bullshit about "conditions on the ground." Like a surgeon believes surgery fixes everything, a general thinks all problems have a military solution. It's his job.
Afghanistan will never be what we want it to be. At best, it might be kinda sorta maybe "good enough". We're already there. I love ya, Cousin Barry, but we gotta get outta that place! Let's call it "good enough" and vamoose. Yesterday.
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