In Buster's ongoing contest to determine The Stupidest State In the Union, the Commonwealth of Kentucky has recently injected itself into the mix and must now be considered among the front-runners, right up there with the congenital racists of South Carolina and the intractable xenophobes of Arizona.
With Daniel Boone as their last elected Democrat, Kentucky has long been a deep red state. They just can't seem to help themselves. And now they may have outdone themselves by electing the Libertarian Tea-Bagger Rand Paul to the U.S. Senate. Paul is possibly the only person around who's meaner and more conservative than the guy he's replacing, Jim Bunning. During his acceptance speech, Paul said "I'm not going to Washington to enact legislation. I'm going there to repeal it!"
(It's amusing when some douchebag crank running on an anti-government platform actually wins. Guess what? You are now what you were running against! Enjoy!)
Add Paul to the state's other Senator, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and you've got one of the all-time dinosaur duos -- an anti-progressive pair for the ages. The reptilian McConnell is a classic just-say-no obstructionist. He's recently been quoted as saying that his only job is to make sure Obama is a one-term President. What an ass!
Now, Buster does not normally harbor ill will against anyone, but if it should someday happen that the Kentucky Senate delegation were to be together at the same place and same time, and if it should then further happen that some accident or natural disaster were to occur, Ol' Buster might just have to consider that to be a useful thinning of the herd.
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