teacher n. -- one whose occupation is to teach or instruct others in a subject or subjects; a tutor.
Syn. -- educator
Do you know any teachers? I bet you do. I'm acquainted with an number of educators, both currently on the job and retired. These people include classroom teachers, principals, administrators, coaches, and teacher's aides.
Not a single one of them thinks that arming teachers is a good idea. Each of them entered an essential and honorable profession for the right reasons -- to share knowledge and foster learning, creativity, curiosity, critical thinking and responsibility in others. None of them got into teaching so they could carry guns in their schools. None of them went to college to study gunsmithing and ballistics. None of them wants to work in an armed camp or a shooting gallery.

It's time for a sane and steady approach to our national gun problem. A "Trump-free zone" will be a good place to start.
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