Eight days after the Douglas High School slaughter in Parkland, Florida, NRA bigwigs
Wayne Lapierre and
Dana Loesch spewed a bunch of damn nonsense today at the annual CPAC Convention of Crazies.
I've had cases of love that were just infatuation, but this HATE I feel for them is the real thing!
This bloody bastard lobbying group accepts no responsibility for anything, and blames everyone but themselves -- it's mental health, and gun-free zones, and media coverage, and the FBI, and the Air Force, and Democrats, and yada yada yada.
Our Largemouth Ass of a fake president followed their lead by blaming the carnage on gun-free zones, video games and movies, as he called for 100-150 armed guards per school.
(Regarding their fixation on gun-free zones as a problem: Do the odds of being bitten by a shark actually
increase in places with no sharks?)
It's always the same old bullshit lies with these heinous fuckwits.

Proportionally, America has the
same level of mental illness, gun-free zones, video games, movies, and media as any other high-income, developed nation. But compared with France, Canada, Norway, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, et al, our level of gun violence and gun death is
disproportionately high -- off-the-charts high.
Why? We're no more violent or homicidal than any other place.
The difference is we have more guns, by far, than any other place. America has less than 5 percent of the world's population, but per capita, Americans own almost half the world's civilian firearms.
It's obvious. Too many guns.
That's our problem. And we must start to address our problem
now. It took us many years to get to this point of absurdity, and will take many years to turn things around. But no more delay -- we gotta do it.