The puppet governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, survived the recall attempt. Not really a surprise, but still a disappointment.
What are the lessons of Wisconsin?
1. Big Money wins. The Walker forces outspent Democratic challenger Tom Barrett ten to one. That's a huge differential. The large majority of that money was corporate and from out of state. Isn't this the very definition of corruption?
2. The average American voter remains an easily manipulated fool. Walker runs ten ads to Barrett's one, and it sways enough dimbulbs to give him a narrow victory.
3. Republicans will claim this as some sort of mandate, and try to tell us it proves that Americans want to be led by union-busting droogies who are beholden to their corporate sugar daddies. Bullshit! Surviving a recall is not a mandate, it's a close friggin' shave! Scotty shouldn't get the big head -- he's damn lucky he still has his job. Some humility and fence-mending are called for. Don't bet on it.
Our present political model is quite discouraging. To rephrase the old maxim:
Money corrupts, and Big Money corrupts Big-Time!
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