(This is a paraphrased version of a point often made by the great Rachel Maddow.)
Conservatives are always talking about "small government" being the panacea to all our supposed woes, and how we need to slash spending, cut programs, and do less. OK, fine. If small government means that Social Security fails and Medicare is replaced by vouchers, well, you oughta learn to take care of yourself, buddy. If it means health care costs keep rising and more and more people are uninsured, well, it's your own fault -- if you had a better job you could afford coverage. If it means that federal student loans and grants go away and college costs keep going up, well, you should have saved more money, dumbass. If it means the EPA is abolished for the sake of corporate convenience, well, get yourself a gas mask and a water-purifier. If it means that federal revenues dwindle because of more tax cuts for the wealthy, and that in turn means our roads and bridges continue to fall apart, well, be careful out there.
Yet it's those same conservatives who want their "small government" to spare no effort or expense in examining all female plumbing for any trace of federally-funded contraceptives; who want to punish all unwanted pregnancies with unwanted babies; who want to force their religion upon the entire population; who have no problem using copious amounts of time, money and legislation to deny equal rights to gays and lesbians, to suppress voter turnout, and to bust up organized labor; who want to make sure the majority of the federal budget is spent on the military; and who want to round up 12 million "illegal" aliens, deport them all at once, then construct a 30' electrified fence around the entire goddam country.
Yessir, that's the sort of "small government" that'll solve all our problems.
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