That's Bryce and Stephanie Culver at right. They were married last Saturday in Marietta. The lovely Mrs. Gammons and I were lucky enough to be there. 'Twas marvelous, posh, deluxe, and altogether memorable. The food! The drink! The flowers! The 13-piece band! (Glad again I wasn't paying!) And all of our oldest and dearest friends were there. Can't think of anything better. Big thanks to Dr. & Mrs. P, Brent & Marge, Bryce & Steph, and everyone. Loved it!!
From a long list, my two favorite comments of the Marietta weekend:
"I'm not as good as I was at one time, but for one time, I'm as good as I ever was!"
"I woke up looking like Nick Nolte's mug shot."
And I gotta share my favorite old Bryce story, which I've repeated about a million times. If you've heard it before and this is a million and one, I apologize.
Back when we were all young adults, all recent college grads, and some recently married, we'd still reconvene on Sunday afternoons at the Alpha Falfa Rho house or West Lakewood Ave. or some semi-campus locale to watch the Cleveland Browns. This group of lunatics would usually include Jim Goodrich, Matt Swysgood, Chuck LeBar, Craig Alward, Mike Miglets, your humble correspondent, and Brent Culver. Brent was the first among us to procreate, and always brought along the young son "Brycer" to absorb from us the important lessons of Browns fan-hood.
At one of these long-ago Sunday congregations when Bryce was maybe 3 or 4 years old, Cleveland was putzing around and getting beat, the TV broadcast went to a commercial, and strangely, none of us said a word. Sitting there with the big boys, little Bryce broke the awkward silence by saying, "Fucking Browns!" Wonder where he'd heard that?

Totally classic!
Hey,Buster--love the blog!! Chuck