(Dave Girves is a local blogger buddy who often writes in the form of letters to the editor. You can always find him in Buster's Links, but Dave had a couple inspired posts today -- this and the one that follows below -- that I just had to share in this manner. Good stuff, Dave!)
FYI . . . Sometimes I just can’t help myself. These letters just write themselves.
Letters to the Editor
Columbus Dispatch,
Bruce Richardson, in his June 5th letter praising Fox news for linking President Obama to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s views, asks “What can be more racist than Obama creating an ‘African Americans for Obama’ re-election organization . . . to help him get re-elected?”
Off the top of my head I can think of two things that are more racist – Richardson writing that letter and the Dispatch’s decision to print it.
In that same letter he refers to George Zimmerman as “the suspect” in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. It is either the height of political correctness, or the depth of simply more racism, to refer to the man who admitted to pulling the trigger as “the suspect.”
David Girves
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