(Sent by a faithful reader. Thank you, Faithful Reader.)
Taoism: Shit happens.
Buddhism: If Shit happens, it’s not really Shit.
Ecumenicism: Overlook all the different Shit.
Islamism: If Shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Protestantism: Shit happens when you don’t work hard enough.
Judaism: Why does this Shit always happen to us?
Hinduism: This Shit happened before.
Catholicism: Shit happens because you are bad.
Hare Krishna: Good Shit happens when you chant Rama Shit.
TV Evangelism: Send us more Shit.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Knock, knock, Witness some of our Shit, and take our Shitty pamphlet.
Christian Science: Shit happens in your mind.
Rastafarianism: Let’s smoke this Shit!
Atheism: No Shit, Sherlock.
Agnosticism: Maybe Shit happens, maybe it doesn’t.
Existentialism: What is Shit anyway?
Hedonism: There’s nothing like dirty Shit.
Humanism: Human Shit just doesn't stink.
Relativism: Shit teaches us to live and let live.
Stoicism: This Shit doesn’t bother me.
Syncretism: Mixes up all the Shit to produce diarrhea.
And my favorite...
Nihilism: Annihilates all other "isms" by making them Eat Shit and Die.
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