This random thought just worked its way into my twisted brain:
Today's conservatives are uniformly and bitterly opposed to Obama's health care reform, right? It's unconstitutional, and it forces people to do something they might not want to do. It's intrusive and results in a loss of our precious personal freedoms. It's Big Government running amok!
These same conservatives are uniformly and enthusiastically in favor of that same government regulating and restricting women's access to birth control, forcing women to endure waiting periods, counseling, and sonograms which they may not want, and in some cases, non-intrusively stuffing a sonogram probe up a woman's previously free, precious personal vagina. That's not Big Government, and it's perfectly constitutional -- just some helpful old white men looking out for fairer sex.
Buster calls double-bullshit on the whole damn hypocritical thing!
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