Welcome to Buster's Blog

Irregular commentary on whatever's on my mind -- politics, sports, current events, and life in general. After twenty years of writing business and community newsletters, fifteen years of fantasy baseball newsletters, and two years of email "columns", this is, I suppose, the inevitable result: the awful conceit that someone might actually care to read what I have to say. Posts may be added often, rarely, or never again. As always, my mood and motivation are unpredictable.

Buster Gammons

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Local Issue 22 And The New Hard-Right Ad Campaign

Locally here in Columbus and Franklin County, Issue 22 is a replacement property tax levy for the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (formerly MRDD). The Board provides much-needed services to some of our most needy folks. The current millage will expire in 2012. We all know it's a worthy cause, and it may or may not cost us anything -- depends on your property valuation, and recently many have gone south. At most, Issue 22 might cost you $2 a month or so.

Even so, the regressive, far-right, Tea Bag, anti-taxes-of-any-sort faction of the Ohio GOP has come up with a new "No On Issue 22" ad campaign. This spot is from Building A Better Ohio -- the lying bastards who gave us SB 5. Their new ad has not yet been aired, but Buster has obtained an exclusive bootleg copy of its text. (Sorry, no video yet.) It's a synthesis of all their usual lovely campaign tactics! For your consideration, here it is:


(As dark, dirge chords play from the low end of the piano, the narrator speaks in the gravest possible tone:)

"Enough is enough! Now, with Issue 22, the retards want more . . . from us. Issue 22 will make taxes go up . . . for us. It will cost us jobs, and make us unable to compete. Our children will flee Ohio in droves for secure but low-paying non-union jobs in B.F. Egypt and other garden spots, and leave us with nothing but retards. Police and firemen will be laid off, and the retards will let our houses burn down. The retards will get great benefits and pay a lot less for them . . . than us. And the retards will make more money -- 43% more! -- . . . than us.

"So if you're one of us and believe it's always time to say no, then Fuck A Bunch O' Retards and Vote No on Issue 22 . . . for us!"


[All the above is obviously, I hope, an intentionally non-PC put-on. Please don't skewer me for using the R-word. Just making a point!]


  1. Another liberal with nothing better to do than trash conservative thought. Links to NYT, Huff,Daily Show, yada yada. Boring.

  2. "Conservative thought?" Oxymoron!
