What's this? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has momentarily put down her crack pipe of conservative crotchety-ness and done something which could easily be construed as reasonable, sane, and decent.
She vetoed two absurdly stupid bills which had somehow made it to her desk. (Well, Arizona will be Arizona.) The first bill would have allowed guns to be carried, openly or otherwise, on the state's college campuses, supposedly as a safety measure. Puh-leeze! The second was a so-called "birther bill", which would have required candidates to show proof of citizenship to get on any ballot in Arizona. This proof would include, per the bill's language, a birth certificate or a baptismal certificate or a record of circumcision, I shit you not.
These vetoes were a surprise and something out of character for Brewer, who is not known for handing out the warm-and-friendlies. But they are welcome nonetheless. Thanks, Jan.

Sensing that the mantle of craziness had fallen from Arizona's shoulders, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal promptly picked it up and vowed he would happily sign a birther bill. Then he spun the propeller on his beanie, and skipped back to his office.
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