No, not those Supremes. I mean the U.S. Supreme Court. Recently, the Court narrowly upheld a peculiar Arizona law (that goddam state again!) which allows a 100% state tax credit for donations to "school tuition organizations". This is Arizona-speak for private Christian schools. Under Arizona tax law, you give up to $1000 to the Little Lambs of God Christian Family Academy, and the state of Arizona pays you back with $1000 off your taxes. Obviously, somebody pays. It's all the other Arizona taxpayers who are, in essence, paying some of the tuition costs for religious schools. And 5-4, our Supreme Court says that's just fine. Hallelujah and Amen. Buster is confused. What ever happened to the separation of church and state?

In their next case, Justice Scalia will explain the Constitutional requirement to tithe.
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