John Kasich, our Big Bus Driver, has been sued yet again by ProgressOhio. They say that JobsOhio, Kasich's hastily conceived private entity which would replace the Ohio Dept. of Development, is unconstitutional.
This privatizing of a state agency is authorized by HB 1, which also says that:
Any legal challenge to JobsOhio be filed directly with the Ohio Supreme Court (leap-frogging over all lower level jurisdictions).
Private entity JobsOhio may take on debt and liabilities, which would ultimately be the responsibility of the State.
The governor is not only governor, he's also the Chairman of the Board of private entity JobsOhio.
For these and other reasons, ProgressOhio and two Democratic congressman say that "JobsOhio is obviously unconstitutional." And it very probably is. How will the Republican-dominated state Supreme Court see it? Who knows?
But it's great fun fuckin' with John-Boy!
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