"Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends!"
The US House of Representatives, led by Sir John of Orange, is ready to start "debate" on the Republican Bill HR 2, officially known as the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Reform Act" Act. (Act Act?? Gotta be one of the worst names for a piece of legislation in American history! The GOP is off its game. Where's the snappy title, like "Patriot Act" or "No Child Left Behind"?)
It's all for show, of course. It will easily pass in the House, but is DOA in the Senate, and would be vetoed promptly if it ever reached Obama's desk, which it won't. But the R's believe this false "repeal" will score political points, which is all that counts.
The GOP's rhetoric is, as usual, calculated, cynical, and bumper-sticker simple: "Obama-Care is a government take-over of your health care, and it's bad, bad, bad. Did we mention bad?" What hilarious horseshit! Why is it bad? It's "job-killing", of course. How so? Which jobs? They never say, believing only that they don't have to.
Meanwhile, the Dems flail about wonkily, making policy speeches highlighting 24 benefits of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act. They correctly point out that most Americans like these things, think they're good, not bad. All this is perfectly true, but requires explanation, thought, and comprehension -- not the long suit of the average American. So the R's are banking on boredom and misunderstanding. Craven douchebags!
I sent an email to my new congressman, Steve Stivers (R). Told him I was opposed to HR 2, and wanted him to vote against it on principle. Since Stivers campaigned on health care repeal, I knew how he'd vote. Just wanted to hear what he'd tell me.
Ten days later, I heard. (Kilroy used to reply the next day. I miss her already.) Stevie Wonder tells me he'll vote for HR 2, for repeal -- no debate necessary for him. He is of course in favor of reducing health care costs, increasing access to care, and reducing the number of uninsured. Of course! But he's decided Obama-Care doesn't do this "fully", so fuck it, he's against it, and let's just get rid of the whole thing. Oh, OK, Steve-O. What a reasonable position: "I like it, but because I don't like 100% of it, I'm 100% opposed to it."
Stivers is a former insurance industry lobbyist and a big, fat liar. I look forward to voting his sorry ass OUT in two short years!
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