As the world knows by now, on Saturday Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D) was shot in the head during an event in Tucson. The shooter was a 22 year old man full of paranoid right-wing crap. He killed six and wounded several others. It's clear he intended to assassinate Giffords. She's still alive, but may never be the same again.
The killer was a loner, estranged from family and friends, and slowly going nuts. He was suspended from college in September after several disruptive incidents. A condition of his return to school was that he take and pass a thorough mental exam. He never did. Instead, in November, he went to a gun shop and bought himself a Glock pistol.
A couple questions:
When will this country wake up and adopt a sane gun policy? Because right now, at least in fuckin' Arizona, the insane can evidently purchase handguns with no trouble at all.
When will the far-right flame-fanners admit their culpability in this tragedy? In the fall campaign, Sarah Palin infamously put rifle-scope crosshairs on a map of the U.S. to indicate the Democratic candidates she had "targeted" for defeat. (Giffords was one of them.) The headline on her map was, "Don't Retreat, Re-Load!" Giffords' opponent used a campaign slogan, "If not votes, then bullets." Beck, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly spend endless hours getting the dumbasses all lathered up. The TEA Baggers respond with frenzied, incoherent anger. No, none of them pulled the trigger, but they all played a role. They should all be ashamed, but they aren't.
If this won't cool off some of the hot-headed horseshit rhetoric out there, what will? ENOUGH, already!!!
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