Constants occur in chemistry, physics and mathematics. Also in personality disorders, as sadly demonstrated by the current White House occupant.
Our fake president is a constant lying asshole. He showed it even while addressing our military personnel in Iraq.
In the lying area, he lied about pay raises -- lied straight to the faces of those who surely recognized the lie at once. The Bombastic Braggart told the troops, "You haven't gotten a pay raise in more than ten years. And I got you a big one! More than ten percent." Except that's one hundred percent bullshit! Military pay raises have occurred annually for several decades. The increase for 2019 will be 2.6%, not 10%. For 2018, it was 2.4%.
As for his asshole-ishness, he used the occasion for some shameful partisan domestic politicking -- bashing Democrats over his border wall tantrum and his government shutdown. No one can recall another president using a visit to deployed troops as an opportunity to denigrate his political opponent. It's a real asshole move. Individual servicemen and servicewomen may have their own personal political leanings, but the military as a whole is scrupulously apolitical. Our armed forces, as a matter of policy, do not give a shit about Trump's stupid wall.
Why does he do these things daily, wherever he goes, constantly? I think it's a genetic defect. He just can't fucking help it. But we can -- we can vote him out, impeach him, force him to resign, whatever it takes. He's our worst presidential mistake. Let's learn from this constant blunder, and never let it happen again.
And sticking with my pseudo-scientific terminology, I could also call Trump an imaginary number. An imaginary number is one that, when squared, gives a negative result. And since Trump always gives negative results, well, there you go.
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