Turns out that the 239-pound Rump's bizarre tweet about dropping sanctions and helping Chinese phone maker ZTE "get back into business, fast" was not really a bargaining chip in the upcoming meeting with North Korea after all. Seems that China gave $500 million in loans to the Trump Organization for a Trump-branded golf course and hotel in Indonesia.
Now I get it. It's payola. You pay me half a billion dollars and I'll help your shitty security-risk phone company do business with America again.
If you can explain to me how this does not clearly violate the emoluments clause, please do. But you can't. Because it does. It's graft and corruption, plain and simple.
The Swamp Administration is filthy beyond compare. Half a billion bucks to the business he refused to divest himself from. Deplorable! Embarrassing! It's why His Sliminess should never, ever have made it to the White House, and why we must make it sure nothing like him ever gets there again.

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