Largemouth ass Donnie Drumpfkopf has violated the Iran nuclear deal, blowing it up for no good reason. His motives were vain and shallow -- blind love for Bibi and Bolton, blind hatred for Obama, and the need for Sheldon Adelson's money. The move has made the world demonstrably less safe. Obama and John Kerry gave the world 10 to 15 years of inspections and compliance verification -- better than anything ever accomplished since the Ayatollahs took over. Trump exchanged that for zero years and zero compliance. It's reckless and stupid. Already, Iran and Israel are firing missiles at each other. Where's that Middle East peace that Jared was going to deliver?
But even while our Idiot Amin can't abide an actual working nuclear deal with Iran, and calls Iran every name in the book, and refuses to even talk with Iran (Muslims, you know), he's now praising the dictator Kim Jong Un as "very honorable" and will meet with him in North Korea for a little nuclear chat. And he thinks he's going to get a better deal out of Lil Kim than the "worst-deal-ever" Iranian agreement he just killed? No way.
And he believes he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize? Blow it out your ass, Spanky! No fucking way!
Satire from The Borowitz Report
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