(Another letter to my waste-of-time Senator Robbie Portman. Some may say my sending it is a waste of time as well. Perhaps, but at least I annoy his staffers and make myself feel better!)
Senator Robbie,
When it comes to your quickie tax cut scam, you and your Republican Senate colleagues are profiles in cowardice. So as to avoid scrutiny or any real thought, you've slapped it together in a matter of weeks, literally no one knows exactly what's in it, and you intend to vote on it today after precisely zero Senate hearings.
There's no deadline at all, so what's your rush, Robbie? It's like the GOP knows how wretched this bill is and to save yourselves from yourselves, you just want to get it over with really fast, because the more you think about it, the worse it gets.

Robbie, there is a price to be paid for your sort of malfeasance, and I can't wait to make you pay it.
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