Right on, John Lewis! Absolutely correct.
A few years ago, I wrote in these pages that nothing could be less authentic than "Mitt Romney wearing blue jeans." And, boy, was I wrong! Donald Trump speaking at the Civil Rights Museum takes the cake. As he quickly and quietly recited words written by someone else, he was awkward, wooden, and totally without sincerity and empathy. He was pathetically out of place and he knew it. He should not have been there.
Our fake president is an obvious racist. Having him try to honor the civil rights movement is like having Warren Lapierre give the eulogy at the funeral of mass shooting victims.
Ill Douche has been steeped in racism his entire life. It's a family tradition. A brief history:
1927. Donald's father Fred attended a violent KKK rally in New York City. He was arrested and charged with failure to disperse.
1973 to 1996. Donald and father Fred were repeatedly sued for violating the Fair Housing Act and other discrimination against minorities.
1989 to present. Donald insists to this day the Central Park 5 were guilty of assault and rape. (They were not. Eventually, charges were dropped, they went free, and received a large settlement.) He went so far as to take out a full page newspaper ad demanding they be put to death.
2000. He runs ads showing cocaine and syringes which suggest Native Americans (his casino competitors) are drug addicts. He also says, "They don't look like Indians."
2011. Hops on the "birther" crazy train, claiming that Barack Obama is not an American citizen. Demands to see his birth certificate.
2011. Accuses Jon Stewart of racism for mocking Herman Cain. Refers to Stewart as Jon Liebowitz.
2013. Says that if NY Rep. Charlie Rangel can call white people "crackers," then white Republicans ought to be allowed to say "nigger."
2013. Falsely claims "most violent crime is committed by blacks and Hipanics." (It's not.)
2015. Says Mexico is sending criminals and rapists to the U.S.
2015. Says black American youth "have no spirit" and have "never done more poorly."
2015. Writes that Jeb Bush "has to like Mexican illegals because of his wife."
2015. Claims his Muslim travel ban idea is no different from Japanese internment camps in WW II.
2016. David Duke endorses Trump.
2016. In the Trump University scam lawsuit, criticizes Judge Curiel because he "happens to be Mexican." (He's not. He was born in Indiana.)
2016. Speaking in an all-white community, tries to appeal to African Americans: "You live in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs. What do you have to lose?"
2016. Says, "African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and get shot."
2016. Offers his thanks to black Americans who did not vote.
2016 and 2017. Tries to insult Sen. Elizabeth Warren by repeatedly calling her "Pocohontas."
2017. At a Black History Month kick-off, cites 19th-century abolitionist Frederick Douglass as "somebody who's doing an amazing job and is being recognized more and more."
2017. A white national defends himself in court against assault charges, saying he was just following the words of Trump.
2017. After white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, says there was "hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides."
2017. Defends Confederate statues, charging that those who want to remove them "are trying to take our history and our heritage away."
2017. Angrily refers to athletes taking a knee to protest police brutality as "sons of bitches" who should be "fired or suspended."

Just thought you should know the Grinch is Ungodly:: https://creationsciencestudy.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/the-grinch-is-ungodly/ Why worry about Trump... Have a good one if possible