There is a momentary kerfuffle in some journalistic/academic circles about whether or not Donald Drumpf is a "real" fascist. This little debate is the natural result of so many people (your humble correspondent included) using the word to describe Humpty Trumpty, and from his supporters taking offense.
What is fascism? It is an authoritarian, nationalistic, right-wing form of government. Fascist politics are marked by obsession with supposed national decline and victimhood, and a demonization of immigrants and "others." Racism, intolerance and religious persecution are hallmarks of fascism, as is a contempt for the normal rules of democracy. The extreme totalitarian nationalism of the Nazi party is generally considered to be a form of fascism. (Nationalism is an excessive devotion to one's nation-state, with a conviction that independent action is preferable to cooperation --a perverse patriotism run amok.)
Infamous fascists and nationalists are Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo, and Chiang Kai-shek.
Donald Trump has made many fascist-ish pronouncements and espoused several fascist-like policies:
- Building a wall to keep out Mexican rapists and killers.
- Banning all Muslims.
- Deporting all Syrian refugees.
- Suggesting Black Lives Matter protesters should be "roughed up."
- Insisting we're in crisis, we're a laughingstock, we're weak, we're losing, and only a strongman (Trump) can save us.
- Refusing to acknowledge that the strongman (him) could ever be wrong about anything, all facts to the contrary.
- Not to mention the cheap, jingo "Make America Great Again" trucker cap.
Well, I suppose not, but so what? Is he a "real" fascist? A near-fascist? A nationalist? Does it matter? Do you really want to find out how real The Donald is?
Donald Trump will say and do anything to appeal to the basest instincts of the American lowest common denominator. Donald Trump is a fraud, a career bullshit artist, nothing more.
Friends don't let friends vote for Trump. Don't do it.

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