Does The Donald drive you to drink? Do you watch the evening news with barely-controlled rage? Do political ads make you want to stick your head in the oven?
Here at Buster's Blog we feel your pain and we have the answer -- a membership in Buster's Wine Club, and your choice from our 2016 Campaign Collection. We'll ship you enough wine -- daily if necessary -- to calm your nerves and soothe your soul. Because nothing puts it all in perspective like a glass or three of wine. Maybe four.
Our Top Sellers!

Deep Discount Labels! Discontinued Vintages!
Cruz's Crack-Pot Christian Chianti. Great deals available on this discontinued vintage. We sold a fair amount of it, then the bottom dropped out, possibly due to this wine's disturbingly oily mouth-feel. Remaining bottles are deeply discounted and each comes with a Bible, an anti-abortion pamphlet, an NRA membership application, and a how-to-shut-down-the-government instruction manual.
Jawhnny Kasich's McKeesport Merlot. We carried this one for a long time and we're not sure why. It wasn't popular and we sold very few. You can pick up this one for pennies on the dollar. Be forewarned, though -- it's not really Merlot, it's just a six-pack of Iron City Light.
Rubio's Thirsty Man Rose. Just a few left. This one stopped production before Kasich's Merlot even though it sold slightly better. Which is not saying much. The Rubio label suffered from deceptive marketing -- it was actually just bottled water.
Luckily, here at Buster's Wine Club, we didn't get a chance to stock up on all the early labels -- Christie's Cantankerous Claret, Santorum's Sweater-Vest Sangiovese, Chaffee's Cheap-Ass Chardonnay, Fiorina's Fractious Frontenac, et al. Most of those start-up brands fail so quickly.
But, unfortunately for us, we did make a big-time buy on another discontinued label, Jeb Bush's Bland Barbera. This once-popular grape has fallen from favor because it lacks any distinctive flavor. We really thought this one would be a big seller, and now we have a boatload of it on our hands. We'll send you all you want for free, but since we spent over $100 million on our stock of Bush's Bland, we'd greatly appreciate any donation you'd care to send our way.
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