"Reality TV" has always sucked. It is unreality -- lowest-common denominator "entertainment" for the gullible, reactionary, non-thinkers. Reality TV is just plain stupid, and I cannot be involved with stupid.
I've never watched any sort of reality TV for more than the amount of time required to become disgusted -- about 5 minutes, give or take. Not Survivor, American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, Biggest Loser, Jersey Shore, Big Brother, Real Housewives, ad nauseum. None of 'em.
And I sure as hell never watched The Apprentice. But apparently a lot of 'Muricans did, and loved it. Now Reality TV Nation has raised its collective pointed little head. "Trump," they croak. Like frogs in a pond, and with just about as much intelligence. "Trump." "Trump."
Donald Trump is an inarticulate, bomb-throwing, nationalist. He's horribly dangerous, and as fit to be President of the United States as his fellow reality "stars" Jeff Probst, Ryan Seacrest, or Snookie -- which is to say not at all.
We are at the intersection of faux-celebrity and neo-fascism. God help us. Something help us. We are out of our minds.

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