President Obama (a.k.a. my cousin Barry) delivered his fifth State of the Union address last night. Two things are clear: 1. Our President still gives a great speech, and 2. Congressional Republicans still hate his guts.

Boehner and Ryan piss and moan that its unconstitutional, but they're wrong. Every president, including Washington, has used this privilege. Some have used it a lot (Reagan, Dubya), some very little (Obama). Important, historic things have been accomplished by Executive Order, e.g. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, FDR's New Deal programs, Truman's integration of the military, Ike's use of federal troops to desegregate the high school in Little Rock, Carter's creation of FEMA. Obama may or may not do something significant, but at least he'll do something. Good!
Parting shot -- the GIF below is just after Obama said he hoped that Republicans wouldn't try for another 40-plus repeals of the ACA. "Forty is enough." Boehner looks absolutely ill. Good!
And for the conservative curmudgeons still freaked out by the ongoing fact of a Black Man in the White House, please notice that you apparently still have a black man as Speaker of the House as well.
And one more thing. Who invited this Dick Dynasty douchebag to the SOTU? Oh. Some GOP Rep. from Louisiana? I see. It figures.
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