Nah, that's Robert Ryan. A fine actor, but dead.

Nope, that's Rex Ryan. He's the head coach of the NY Jets and a noted foot fetishist.

Whoa! Not her either. That's Meg Ryan, former cutey-pie actress. What the hell happened, Meg?

Oh, you must mean U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis), recently picked to be The Glove's running mate. He's an ambitious far-right budget wonk, a hatchet-faced hatchet man (Paulie Smallnuts?), and a dangerous little fuck. At a young age, Ryan somehow turned into an acolyte of the "selfishness is a virtue", Libertarian greed-head author/bitch Ayn Rand, and he hasn't looked back.
He's best known for his draconian "Path To Prosperity" budget proposal, which Mittens endorses, and which would, among other things:
1. Cut taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals, while raising taxes on middle and low income people.
2. Slash all manner of expenditures, including spending on social programs and education, while increasing defense spending.
3. Kill Medicare, replacing it with vouchers run by the private insurance industry.
4. Privatize Social Security. (Interestingly, Ryan himself has received Social Security survivor benefits and cashed those checks promptly.)
Ryan is deeply anti-choice and anti-gay, and is a darling of the NRA. On social issues, his voting record soul mate appears to be Michelle Bachmann.
Some conservatives applaud his selection as VP candidate, saying Ryan will fire up the Republican base. But he's also firing up the Democratic base at the same time, motivating folks to show up to specifically vote against his Tea-soaked agenda.
Given that, I think his net benefit to the Republican campaign is zero, at best. Already, the Romney-Ryan ticket has cancelled appearances in Florida, a blue-haired haven for frequent users of Medicare and Social Security. The campaign cited "exhaustion". For an exercise freak, that Paul Ryan sure gets tired quick.
In an economic side note, the Romney-Ryan pairing caused an immediate uptick in one Wall Street sector: stock prices for hair gel companies have shot through the roof!
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