Mitt Romney wants to turn over management of all federal lands to the states -- John Kasich is salivating right now -- and begin drilling and mining absolutely everywhere. The Glove figures if we punch enough holes in the ground, sooner of later we'll hit enough stuff right here in the good ol' U. S. of A. so as to be completely "energy independent". Then we can flip a coal-dusted, gas-soaked finger at the rest of the world. What a plan, Mitt.
Josh Mandel is equally gung-ho to bang the drum for the hydrocarbon extraction industry. Mandel breezily calls environmental regulation a jobs-killer, and he recently said, "Sherrod Brown thinks 'coal' is a four-letter word."
To his credit, Brown refrained from replying, "Coal IS a four-letter word, you moron! Can't you fucking count??" Instead, Brown correctly said that Mandel's jobs-versus-clean air ploy is a false choice.
The Republican "energy policy" is to have no policy at all. The GOP platform would let the states and the oil/gas/coal industry do whatever they wanted. Nothing about alternative sources or renewables. Just pandering to stupid people -- selling an energy "vision" straight out of the 1950's.
We all know we're not going to rid ourselves of our reliance on petrochemicals anytime real soon. But we must start trying.
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