For the past year and a half, Josh Mandel has been Ohio's titular "Treasurer". In that time, all he's actually done is run his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sherrod Brown. Mandel has no particular qualifications to be our treasurer, and even less to be a senator. What he has is a shitload of money from conservative power-brokers like Karl Rove and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. These guys and their slimy brethren have already spent $15 million on anti-Brown attack ads, none of which mention Mandel's record -- because he really doesn't have one.
So in his own ads he always reminds us he was a Marine, but otherwise just pretty much makes up stuff. In his latest (below, called "Results"), he brags about his "accomplishments" as treasurer:
But . . .
The clip of Joshie Boy "getting results" with his adding machine is three years old, well before he was treasurer. (Happy to know he doesn't use an abacus!)
Josh didn't "earn Ohio the highest investment rating in the nation." We already had it. The ad's fine print refers to the STAR Ohio Investment Fund, which has maintained its AAA rating from Standard & Poor's since 1995. All Josh did was stay out of the way and not fuck it up.
Josh was indeed named "Watchdog of the Treasury", but this occurred while he was a state rep, before he was treasurer. This fabulous award came from the little-known UCO -- United Conservatives of Ohio. The honor is meaningless. The UCO bestows this same honor on scores of Ohio Republicans each year. It's the equivalent of getting a gold star next to your name in GOP kindergarten class.
The announcer ends by asking us to, "Imagine these kinds of results in Washington." To which I say, "What results?"
I think I smell smoke. Yep, it's Josh's pants -- they're on fire again.
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