On Sunday, another angel flew out of the ass of Saint Timothy The Virgin* as the Broncos pulled out an O.T. win over the old and beat-up Steelers. Oh yippee.
At the post-game news conference, here's what Tebow said as he stepped up to the microphones: "First thing, thanks go to God." C'mon, Timmy, let's get over that shit. You are not standing on that podium because you're such a famous and public Christian, you're there because you're a fucking football player. Go to church on your own time.
Suppose there was an NFL quarterback who was a very publicly preachy Muslim, and after a big win, suppose he addressed the media like so: "First of all, Allah Aqbar! Praise be to Allah!"
Or better still, how about an atheist quarterback who might say, "First off, I'd like to thank my teammates and coaches for a great win today, and I'd like to remind everyone that God had absolutely nothing to do with it."
Nobody wants to hear that sort of stuff on ESPN. If I want religion, there are other channels. You're a jock, so be a jock. Shut up, play ball, and keep your personal beliefs to yourself.
And, Go Patriots!!
(* I stole "Saint Timothy The Virgin" from a faithful reader. Thank you, faithful reader.)
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