[Pictured at left is what did not happen.]
An amazing and true personal story:
Yesterday, my wife's car was in the shop overnight. She had some calls to make, so she drove her old car, a.k.a. our son's car. Coming home, it began to snow and she decided to park the old ride in our garage to keep it semi-clean. (Normally this car sits out, and her regular car goes in the garage.)
She pulled into our driveway and pressed the garage door opener button in the car. Nothing happened. The opener's battery was dead. On that side of our two-door garage, we don't have an exterior keypad. So, with the engine running, she got out of the car, came in the house, opened the inside door to the garage and pressed the opener button on the garage wall.
As the garage door began to rise, she noticed, to her horror, that the car was slowly moving into the garage -- all by itself! When she got out of the car, she didn't put it in park! And the driver's door was open, soon to hit the center post!!
There was no time to safely re-enter the moving car, but she managed to quickly close the car door. And then, there was nothing to do but stand back and watch the inevitable impending wreckage.
Except there was no wreck. Somehow, the damn thing rolled straight into the garage at idle speed without touching anything on either side, and stopped when the front bumper made contact with the back wall of the garage. There was absolutely no damage to vehicle or building. None. Which is the amazing thing -- I doubt you could duplicate it in a hundred tries. It's best not to try.
Remedial Driver's Ed: When you get out of the car, remember -- P is for park. Use it!
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