When the truth won't work, just make up some shit.
That's the program at Building A Better Ohio, the advocacy group pushing hard for approval of the union-busting Issue 2. Toward that end, they'll lie, cheat, steal, and say and do damn near anything. Their ad campaign is stunningly, intentionally untrue -- the epitome of deceit.
They take their opponents' TV spot with a white-haired granny telling us to vote No on Issue 2, and paste a snippet of her video into one of their own ads, and make it appear she endorses Issue 2. Without her permission, of course.
They have another ad claiming that government employees compensation is "43% higher" than private-sector workers, due to "excessive benefits". Sorry, this doesn't pass the sniff test, and in fact, it's just not true. Today's Columbus Dispatch ran the results of a thorough study which found no difference -- none -- in the average compensation of public- and private-sector employees.
Then they have the "scare 'em to death" Apocalypse ad, where we're told that if Issue 2 fails, your taxes will go up, schools will close, there will be no public safety workers, your house will burn down, and you will be a homeless wretch pushing a shopping cart. Really? (The R's always love to play the fear card.)
The arrogance, the utter lack of scruples, the outright lies -- the slime dripping off the pro-Issue 2 forces is astounding! And these days, it's pretty hard to be astounded.
SB 5/Issue 2 is Gov. Kasich's big play, his defining piece of legislation. Asked for his reaction to these dishonest ads, Kay-suck said he wasn't running the spots, but "what they're doing is fine." (And that's really all you need to know about John-Boy.)
Not a shocker: Despite the publishing the research on public vs. private compensation, today the moronic Dispatch endorsed Issue 2. Their editorial called its opponents "intellectually dishonest."
Come-the-fuck-on! Who's dishonest?????

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