I wish we could attribute Romney's words to a thoughtful stance about what is and what is not truly important in our society. But his motivations are craven, not principled. He just wants to avoid -- desperately -- any examination of the batshit nuthouse that is the Mormon sect (in which he and his family are charter members).
You-can't-make-this-up category (and how did I miss this shit during Buster's History of Religion?):
1. As a show of their faith, adult Mormons are supposed to wear a special style of underwear (pictured here).

These skivvies are sold to them by the church in a special ceremony, are considered to be sacred, and are known as "garments". They are to be worn at all times as a symbol of purity and modesty. The magic underwear will protect the faithful from "the world", i.e. the rest of us.
2. Because Joseph Smith said so, Mormons believe that the Garden of Eden in fact existed and was actually located somewhere in western Missouri.
Really? Well, yeah. So Mitt would like to change the subject.
I've been wearing my special magic scarlet Ohio State underwear on games days and they haven't helped much either :-(