(Hey, everybody else is doing it, so me too!)
Ohio Issue 1 is a constitutional amendment to raise the maximum entry age for state judges from 70 to 75, and thereby also raise the maximum exit age. Since judges are elected to 6-year terms, Issue 1 would let some continue on the bench until essentially 81 years of age. I have nothing whatsoever against those in their 70's and 80's. I aspire to get there myself someday. So it's hard for me to oppose those who'd like to serve at that age. But here's the thing: There are plenty of deserving younger judges. They'd like a turn too, please. It's a constitutional amendment and at any level of government, such changes should always be approached with great caution. Its immediate impact will be to perpetuate the current 6-to-1 Republican majority on the Ohio Supreme Court. And for some reason, I keep having visions of Strom Thurmond! With some reservations, Buster recommends voting no on Issue 1.
So much has already been written and said about Ohio Issue 2, much of it by me. You know where I stand. Issue 2 is the referendum which will decide if we repeal or retain the punitive and unnecessary union-busting Senate Bill 5. SB 5 was a misguided attempt to kill a mosquito with a sledgehammer, and the mosquito was imaginary to begin with. Issue 2 is a turd, and at our house, we flush turds. A great big no vote on Issue 2! (Interesting side point: earlier this week, my newspaper contained an insert from the Secretary of State, explaining each of the three Issues and showing the ballot language. For Issues 1 and 3, this required one full newspaper page apiece. Because Issue 2 may repeal an existing law, all the verbiage of SB 5 was included. It took 55 pages! Jesus!)
Ohio Issue 3 is another constitutional amendment which seeks to exempt Ohioans from carrying health insurance coverage by 2014, as specified by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and other R's claim this is unconstitutional. But here's the thing on this one: "Federal" trumps "State". Ohio cannot declare a federal law to be unconstitutional. So, as Issue 3 may impact the ACA, it won't -- it's just a defiant stunt, a load of irrelevant bluster. But it also contains too-broad language which could apply at state and local levels. Another turd, another flush. Buster recommends a resounding no on Issue 3.
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