In the recent primary elections, Kentuckians went for TEA Party favorite Rand Paul to be the GOP nominee to replace retiring Senator Jim Bunning. This was something of a surprise, because Kentucky's other Senator, Mitch McConnell, endorsed and campaigned for Paul's opponent Trent Grayson. Paul is the son of Texas Rep. Ron Paul. Soon after his victory, Rand set about showing us that the nut doesn't fall far from the tree , and he holds the same certifiably loony Libertarian beliefs as his old man.
Hitting the TV/radio interview circuit, Rand told us that he's not a bigot but he thinks any private business should be allowed to discriminate and deny services for any reason and should be permitted to ignore all civil rights laws. He went on to call President Obama's criticism of BP "un-American" because all real American know it was nobody's fault and, hey, accidents happen. Whatever you say, Rand.
Kentucky hasn't elected a Democrat to the Senate in a long time, but the more Rand Paul talks, the more the D's chances improve.
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