Mid-Term Recap
It's over, and all the ads have stopped. Even mine. Yay! Nationally, the mid-term election results were good. As expected, the House flipped to a solid democratic majority. That will serve as a most-needed check on The Beast. And if Trump and Pence should croak simultaneously, Nancy Pelosi would become president! Wrap your head around that, conserva-tards!Sherrod Brown was easily reelected as our U.S. Senator. He's a good man and a very good Senator. I've known him since childhood. Now, if we could just do something about that cuck Robbie Portman.
Locally, the results were very good. We did indeed experience a Blue Wave in Columbus and Franklin County. Hardly a Republican survivor to be found. I now have a Democratic State Senator, Dr. Beth Liston.
But for state-wide offices, OMFG Ohio! Apparently, my state's gone dead red. The R's took 'em all. Cordray losing the governor's race is especially hard to swallow. My future is in DeWine's tiny, greasy hands. A friend says it's because labor is all but washed up in Ohio. Youngstown and the once-reliably Democratic Mahoning Valley have switched sides. But it's more than that. It's also that Trump energizes not just the Blue Resistance but also the racists, the bigots, the ignorant extremists. They used to be nothing more than the fringe and they knew it. But Trump has validated them and made them feel mainstream. Now, every insect under every rock crawls out and votes Republican. And we have a lot of bugs in Ohio. It's embarrassing.
Trump's Remora

Other Disgraces
Post-election, Trump wasted no time in proving yet again that he is the Asshole Di Tutti Assholes. In a lengthy, incoherent press conference (is there any other kind with Trump?), he said he'd never release his tax returns (Congress can in fact compel him to do so), said that if Congress starts investigating his corruption he'd essentially shut down the government (good luck with that), then he launched into an insult-barrage against defeated Republican candidates who had refused his "embrace." (Can you imagine anything more revolting than embracing the Brooklyn Brat?) He finished up by getting into a petulant fight with respected members of the Fourth Estate. PBS's Yamiche Alcindor asked about his apparent support of white supremacists and his statement that he was a "nationalist," and he replied by denouncing her for asking such a "racist" question. (She's black.) Then when CNN's Jim Acosta attempted to question him about the Russia probe, Trump cut him off, called him "rude, terrible," had an intern try to remove his microphone, had Acosta banned from the White House, and had Sarah Fuckabee Sanders falsely claim that Acosta had assaulted the intern. Holy shit! What a cluster of moral turpitude! #FDT!I Hear Don Jr. May Be Indicted For Perjury. If It's What You're Saying, I Love It!
What could be better than Beavis -- or is it Butthead? I may have it backwards -- doing time? OK, his dad doing time would be better, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Another Dangerous Caravan
Trump is freaking out over reports of another caravan headed our way. This one is headed toward Washington D.C. and it's a bunch of Democrats. It includes a substantial proportion of women, many of whom are black and brown and have "funny" names. Some are even Muslim. Experts predict this caravan will reach our nation's capital in early January.
New Normal
There was a mass shooting in a popular bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Twelve are dead. The killer was a local ex-Marine. For his final act, he killed himself. This horrifying incident was the second mass shooting . . . in the past twelve days! WTF, America! Too many guns, too little control, too much risk. All those proud, libitty-lovin' 'Muricans with a small aresenal at home are part of the problem, whether they know it or not. Their celebration of their fucked-up Second Amendment rights have left the rest of us looking for the escape routes in every building we enter. This new normal is not normal.
Good night, friends, and good luck.
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